Mini SHE Academy 26 August 2018 in Basel@AMEE


“Sloppy Science: The thin line between appropriate and inappropriate research behaviors”

By Lauren Maggio (PhD, Uniformed Services University), Erik Driessen (PhD, Maastricht University) & Anthony Artino (PhD, Uniformed Services University)

Sloppy science, sometimes referred to as questionable research practices (QRPs), wastes limited resources, misinforms policy, damages science, and provides a poor example for our health professions education (HPE) community, especially graduate students. Sloppy science practices include, but are not limited to, poor data management; inappropriate research design; insufficient respect and care for study participants; improper research design; careless analysis; and unsuitable authorship and publishing practices.

While it seems black and white that researchers should avoid QPRs, an international survey of over 500 HPE researchers found that 92% of respondents had engaged in one or more of these questionable practices. A second study on HPE authorship identified that 51% of HPE authors felt that they had been experienced unethical pressure related to authorship order.

These findings suggest the time is now for HPE researchers to start talking about sloppy science and working together to propose collaborative strategies to address these questionable practices.  Thus, this interactive workshop aims to engage a group of global HPE researchers to discuss this important topic and begin to generate approaches and solutions to mitigate sloppy science practices. 

When: Sunday, 9.15-12.15 hour, August 26, AMEE, Basel, Switzerland

Where: To be announced

Participation fee: €25

Register: by sending an email to

Deadline registration: August 1st 2018

This year’s Rogano meeting is also in Basel, Switzerland, 24th and 25th of August 2018 and will not conflict with the Mini SHE Academy