June 25-29, 2018 SUMMER COURSE in health professions education on:


“PBL and beyond: applying learning principles in your education”. The registration deadline is coming up soon. We still have some places available, register before May 16th 2018.

Okay so, it’s almost summer! But, how can you get the most out of your summer and keep your professional and student’s brain going? There is more out there than vitamin D, we call it Vitamin SHE

Register for the Renewed and innovated SHE Summer Course. 

 “Renewed and innovated by the latest insights in health professions education, our Summer Course is the first inspiring and international encounter with SHE. This experience fuels ambitions to become a health professions educationalist.”

Why Student Centred Learning? Find out in the SHE Summer Course

“This PBL Summer Course is a first step to become acquainted with problem-based learning and, more importantly, the educational principles behind this system. The focus lies besides “WHAT are we doing in PBL” on the next level “WHY student centred educational formats”. In this way the course is relevant not only to those who would like to make an immediate switch to PBL as an integrated educational system, but also to those who prefer a gradual transition of their course programmes towards more student centred teaching strategies. The aim of these teaching methods is fostering deep learning and understanding which can be expressed by a deep approach to learning.  

The SHE Summer Course is for many people a life changing experience and first step into a career in health professions education. Maastricht University and more specific it’s Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Science was, after McMaster University in Canada, the second university in the world to implement PBL as the dominant educational strategy in medical education.

In addition to its long-lasting experience with PBL, Maastricht University has always been eager to further develop this educational method. The popular SHE Summer Course has been further developed just like the Maastricht educational model did in the past 40 years.

Dominique Waterval, Master of Health Professions Education, (Course Coordinator, trainer and consultant on implementation of student centered (medical) education).

Programme information

In this course we share many years of theoretical and practical experience in managing and assessing learning in student centred curricula as implemented by the Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences of Maastricht University. The programme offers an introduction and global overview of the principal components and characteristics of the Maastricht approach to student centered education and in particular, how to manage learning and assessing in a student centred curriculum.

You can find more detailed information on: SHE-summer-course

Register here: https://applications.mumc.maastrichtuniversity.nl/