Tate research team presents at symposium MCICM

The first symposium hosted by the Maastricht Centre for the Innovation of Classical Music (MCICM) was held in Maastricht on 29 and 30 March 2019. Throughout the two-day event, international experts from different fields discussed possibilities for classical music innovation.

The symposium included the workshop Conserving and Transmitting Musical and Artistic Futures which was set up in collaboration with the Tate research team coordinated by Prof. dr. Pip Laurenson, Head of Collection Care Research at Tate, London and Professor of Art Collection and Care at Maastricht University. In the workshop, scholars and practitioners from musical as well as other artistic backgrounds discussed the merits and challenges of transmission practices of artworks, for example reinterpretation, dealing with indeterminacy and the precarity of involved networks.

The session was further moderated by: Dr. Lucy Bayley, Post-doctoral Researcher at Tate, Dr. Hélia Marçal, Conservation Fellow (Reshaping the Collectible) at Tate, and Denise Petzold, MSc, Maastricht University. The German newspaper Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung published an article on the event.