Medical Education interviewed two SHE PhD's


Medical education selects two articles each month that they find interesting and they approach the authors to interview them. It is mainly about the content and the context of the article. This time the mic was for Sanne Schreurs and Marie-Laurence Tremblay.

Marie-Laurence Tremblay's podcast on: “Simulation-based education for novices: Complex learning tasks promote reflective practice.”

While complex learning tasks in simulation-based training are more cognitively challenging and make novices more prone to generating mistakes, they are considered more valuable learning experiences from the trainees' perspective.

Sanne Schreurs’s podcast on: “Is selection paying off, a cost-benefit comparison of medical school selection and lottery.”

This study shows through cost-benefit comparison that ‘expensive’ admissions processes can be cheaper than ‘inexpensive’ lotteries.