Your personal details at Maastricht University


This is something you will not have missed: new European regulations in the field of privacy were introduced in May 2018. Like many other organisations, UM has been working hard to comply with the General Data Protection Regulation (AVG in Dutch). In addition to student data, UM also manages alumni data. This is not only because of the university's legal obligation to keep records, but also because as a graduate you remain part of the academic community and because we hope that you will continue to be actively involved in UM.

Which information does UM keep regarding me?
The fact that you receive this newsletter means that we have an email address from you. A large part of our information is provided by email. You may also have been contacted for a contribution to the Limburg University Fund. If so, your postal address and/or telephone number are also known to us. In that case we will also send you invitations to events organised in your area. In addition, we obviously maintain your study data and collect alumni's career data. This is valuable information for students who are still at the beginning of their career. Use our UM Alumni Portal to check what information we have on you or to adjust your settings if you wish. You have not created an account yet? Ask for your log-in details here.

How does UM obtain my data?
The Alumni Office is responsible for administering your data, which we receive from the student administration after you graduate. If you move or change email addresses after your graduation, your contact details will in principle be lost, unless you inform us about this. For career data, we are dependent on the data you provide us with. You can use our online UM Alumni Portal for this purpose, or inform us via email on

Objections to the above mentioned?
We would regret that, but of course we would respect your decision. You can unsubscribe from receiving this newsletter by adjusting your settings via our portal or by clicking on the opt-out link at the bottom of this message. To unsubscribe from newsletters and invitations, click on the unsubscribe link at the bottom of the emails, call us on 0031 43 3885221 or send an email to requesting that the contact be completely terminated or that your details be deleted.

Feel free to contact us via or by telephone, 0031 43 3885221.