Highlight The Next Step project (2): MUMC+ vitality desk


From different disciplines within MUMC+ there is a desire to set up a structure for vitality promotion in general and lifestyle improvement in particular, and thus prevention of (new) disease, creating healthy years of life and healthier aging. A Vitality Desk is the ideal setting to discuss the importance of vitality and a healthy lifestyle with MUMC+ patients, because the confrontation with illness can underline its importance. Main applicant is Adhiambo Witlox (Functioning, Participation and Rehabilitation).

The Vitality Desk meets the demand for not only making a curative treatment plan for patients, but also a plan for vitality improvement. The project is a joint initiative of the MUMC+ Woman, Mother and Child Centre, the Maastricht Comprehensive Cancer Centre, the Centre for Exercise and the Center for Chronic Illness. Research Schools CAPHRI, GROW and NUTRIM contribute with their expertise to the design and further development of the Vitality Desk.