Introducing New Management Assistant: Talitha Wilmsen

Talitha Wilmsen, first year Master student at FASoS, has joined MACCH as a managing assistant. She will assist in the overall management of the research centre, as well as aid in the editorial process of the NACCA collected volume.

After her graduation from the Bachelor Arts & Culture at the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences (FASoS) at Maastricht University, Talitha Wilmsen has stayed at the faculty for the Research Master Cultures of Arts, Science and Technology. Throughout this two-year Master’s programme, she aims to explore the intersections between art and technology. Her academic interests include the technological dimensions of arts and heritage, human-nature relationships, and topics related to diversity and inclusivity.

Besides her role as managing assistant at MACCH, Talitha Wilmsen is a student assistant at the Marketing & Communications department at Maastricht University. Here she assists the activities of the Central Editorial Team. She has also recently become part of the substitute student tutor pool for the Bachelor Arts & Culture. In her free time, Talitha is an editor for student magazine Mosaïek.

She looks forward to start working in collaboration with Vivian van Saaze as a managing assistant, and meeting MACCH affiliated researchers. Feel free to contact her at