We will continue recruiting in 2024


The NUTRIM departments of Nutrition and Movement Science and Human Biology conduct research into healthy lifestyles and how they can affect health.

Evaluation in 2023 showed that over 60 new test heroes indicated to be willing to participate in NUTRIM research after a campaign with L1. A great achievement, as test subjects are crucial in NUTRIM research. The test heroes campaign created regional awareness and absolutely contributed to this. Plans are being made for 2024 to continue the campaign with a number of follow-up stories about the test heroes and what their contribution to research has brought to the researchers.

In 2022, we launched the Test Heroes campaign. In collaboration with L1, a series of portraits of test heroes were created and broadcasted and in January 2023, an "evening guests special" on L1. An open day for test heroes was successfully organised followed by several radio broadcasts, covering different health topics.

Who are these heroes?!

They do it for science and their fellow human beings. Real test heroes, because without test subjects, scientific research is very difficult. If we don't find test subjects, we can't conduct our studies. It is incredibly important for science to be able to conduct tests on people, to find better treatments for diseases, for example.

These people participate in scientific and medical research and thus contribute to society. Wondering how exactly such research works? What was their motivation to participate? What did they think of the atmosphere, compensation and communication?

Look at the test heroes and watch the portraits videos or listen to the radio broadcasts and find an overview of current NUTRIM studies for which test heroes are wanted. If you know someone close to you who would like to be a test hero, alert them to the test heroes website.