20 October 2022: CGD/MACCH Joint Event - Diversity & Inclusion Research in Dutch Collections and Museums

The Centre for Gender and Diversity (CGD) and MACCH are jointly inviting you to two presentations about work-in-progress research projects on diversity and inclusion theory, policy, and practices in relation to institutional art and heritage collections.

The speakers are two researchers at CGD partner institutions who are being supervised by Dr Eliza Steinbock, Nicole Emmenegger from the Netherlands Institute for Sound & Vision (NWO MuseumGrants) and Arent Boon from the Bonnefanten Museum (Mondriaan Fonds). This is a great opportunity to see how partnerships between cultural institutions and the university can be set up, and to explore how "embedded research" has particular advantages and potential drawbacks. After two 20 minute talks, the speakers will have a joint discussion with listeners. More in-depth information on the presentations can be found here.

When: 20th October, from 11:30-13:00
Place: Spiegelzaal, FASoS (Grote Gracht 80-82)
For whom: any interested party from FASoS, including MA Arts and Culture and ResMA CAST students , PhD Candidates, Teaching Fellows, and Staff 
RSVP: cgd-fasos@maastrichtuniversity.nl , so we can order an appropriate amount of catering