15 April 2021: Virtual Panel Event: “European Heritage & Identity: Stories from Border Regions”

This panel brings together researchers who focus on different aspects of what happens to history and heritage in multicultural European societies and particularly those in the border regions over time.

New technologies are being used in innovated ways to communicate histories and memories to the public and with the goal to boost social and cultural participation. Since the former industrial regions in France, Luxembourg, Belgium, Netherlands and Germany have coped with similar challenges including the decline of the mining industry and changing borders, this panel aims to help us understand what opportunities lie in engaging local communities in research and how this can contribute to creating a sense of shared European heritage and identity.

This event is open to, and warmly welcomes, members of the public to attend and engage in a Q&A session at the end of the panel discussion.

Please note that this webinar will take place on Zoom and will be recorded. 

Register for the event here: https://maastrichtuniversity.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_Bgarb-pFSt6gbKkamu-JaQ