
After almost two years as a managing assistant at MACCH, as well as a master’s student of Cultures of Arts, Science, and Technology (CAST) at FASoS, the time has come for me to say “goodbye”. In July, I will be leaving MACCH to start as a game designer at SOEDESCO, an independent game development studio, publisher, and distributor in Hoogvliet-Rotterdam.

Working for MACCH in various roles, from a managing assistant to an editorial assistant, has been such an enriching experience. Not only did I learn so much about the world of heritage and curation – knowledge which I was eventually able to operationalize during my curatorial and research internship at V2_, Lab for the Unstable Media – but I also assisted in several MACCH projects, such as the Terra Mosana project and the Digital Heritage Lab, which helped me develop organisational and project management skills.

If you wish to stay connected with me after I officially leave MACCH and FASoS, I will happily accept your request to connect on LinkedIn.