28 August-2 September 2022: NIAS-Lorentz Centre Workshop 'Conserving Art and Nature'

Between 28 August – 2 September 2023, MACCH affiliated researchers Raf de Bont, Renée van de Vall and Vivian van Saaze participated in the NIAS-Lorentz Centre workshop Conserving Art and Nature, organized by Maartje Stols-Witlox (Universiteit van Amsterdam) and colleagues from the Universities of Wageningen, Utrecht, Groningen as well as the Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam. 

The workshop brought together researchers and practitioners from both art and nature conservation for a cross-disciplinary dialogue on decision-making and management of change. Key note speakers included Helia Marçal (University College London) who spoke about care practices, and Glenn Wharton (University of California, Los Angeles) on ‘Art Conservation as Change Agent: Towards a Sustainable Future’. For the full programme, see: https://www.lorentzcenter.nl/conserving-art-and-nature.html