New Research Projects for Joop de Jong

Huis voor de Kunsten Limburg (HvdkL), the Limburg institute for amateur and professional  arts and cultural heritage, has invited Joop de Jong  to conduct research on policy and practices linking the cultural and social policy domains in the province of Limburg. 

On all policy levels the (desired) combination of cultural and social goals in art projects is getting more attention, resulting in new programmes and new initiatives. However the why and how of those policies, programmes and projects are neither always clear nor identical to all partners involved. This can have negative effects on the intended results. The commissioned research project will focus on the social domain side of policies and projects linking arts and culture to the social domain, and on the questions which obstacles exist and if particular support is missing to help programmes and projects becoming (more) successful. 

Joop and his fellow-researchers Sandra van Helden en Ward Schoonbrood will also provide support and assistance to another research project of the Huis voor de Kunsten Limburg. The main focus of this project is on visual artists in the province of Limburg with particular attention to problems and challenges as experienced by those artists.