The Jean Monnet project NOVA-EU (Innovating and Transforming the European Union) is a cross-fertilisation project aimed at stimulating a discussion regarding (and enhance research into) four key challenges that heavily impact the European Union’s governance structure, regulatory framework, identity and, most importantly, its future.

The scholars at MCEL, the Maastricht Centre for European Law, have identified these topics based on their legal, political and societal relevance.

The four key subjects:

  1. Digitalisation, Ethics and EU Fundamental Rights
  2. Migration and Borders
  3. Sustainable Europe and its Global Reach
  4. EU Rule of Law and Democracy

These topics are addressed over a two-years-period (2019 to 2021) in four consecutive workshops and one final conference. The in-house expertise available at MCEL and the extensive networks throughout Europe in law and political science of the MCEL scholars involved in NOVA-EU guarantee a successful and high-quality implementation and finalisation of the project.

Co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union