Sharing knowledge in Project Development in an International Context


For the second year, SHE Collaborates shared knowledge in the extracurricular course “Project Development in an International Context” for FHML students. In this 14-week course, students work in a team on a project proposal and learn, supported by theory and coaching by professionals, more on how to write a good proposal and to get an international project of the ground. One of the student project teams developed a proposal on Improving Menstrual Health Management in Uganda.

In the same period Nuffic sent out a call for proposals for projects on SRHR in the Orange Knowledge Programme funded by the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Together with Simavi Netherlands, the SRHR Alliance Uganda and WASH Alliance Uganda a real project proposal was submitted and Maastricht University was granted nearly EUR 200,000 to run the project MHM++: Bringing Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights to life in Menstrual Health Management trainings in Uganda.

In this project we aim to build the capacity of master trainers of both Alliances to integrate Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) education and WASH in Menstrual Health Management for schools. Partners will jointly develop a training based upon an updated MHM manual and facilitation guides will account for the different target trainees as identified in the cascading strategy by the requesting partners and the Ministry of Education and Sports, Ministry of Health and Ministry of Gender in Uganda.