UM Veni information meeting 2022


On Thursday 21 April 2022, from 9.00-11.00 an online UM information session on the Veni programme takes place for interested researchers. Veni grants are part of the NWO Talent Programme, providing talented researchers who recently obtained their PhD (up to 3 years after PhD) to conduct independent research for a period of three years.

If you are considering to apply for a veni grant, please contact our CAPHRI Funding Advisor Vivian Braeken (

During this online information session we will give more information about the grant instrument, the Veni target group, application and evaluation procedure, and the UM Veni pre-proposal training. Also, a Veni laureate and evaluation committee member will share their experiences and tips. There will be ample room for questions.

Since a few years, NWO has organised the Veni selection into two parts: 1) pre-proposal phase based narrative CV and a short research idea; 2) full proposal phase for selected applicants.

Given the importance of the narrative CV in the Veni selection procedure, UM organizes a dedicated training intended for young researchers who are preparing a Veni pre-proposal in the upcoming round (pre-proposal deadline 6 September 2022),. This training will run from May until beginning of July 2022. The training takes place in small groups of 3-4 researchers on either Tuesdays or Thursdays (all half-day sessions). Due to the limited number of participants, a selection process will take place. This will be explained in more detail in the information session.

The training consists of:

  • kick-off session on Tuesday 24 May, 9.00-11.00
  • writing session focusing on academic profile on Tuesday 14/Thursday 16 June
  • writing session focusing on key output on Tuesday 5/Thursday 7 July


You can register for the information session until 20 April.

Note that this registration is only for the general Veni information session on 21 April. Registration for the pre-proposal training will take place separately and communicated about at a later moment.

For questions, please contact CAPHRI's Funding Advisor Vivian Braeken (