International Conference on Sustainable Digital Heritage. Deadline: 1 July 2021

The closing conference of the Terra Mosana project is organised over five afternoons from the 29th of September until the 08th of October 2021, bringing together researchers, policy makers, professionals and practitioners to explore the long-term sustainability of digital heritage. In particular, the conference will focus on key aspects enhancing technological, societal, and organisational sustainability, such as the importance of collaboration, participatory approaches and social inclusion, digital storytelling for cultural heritage, as well as governance and legal frameworks for digital heritage.

We invite you to join our tradition of bridging disciplinary boundaries to find solutions to current challenges related to sustainability and digital heritage. For the panels, we welcome papers addressing one of the following conference themes listed below:

  • Digital Heritage as Collaborative Practice: This theme addresses the advantages and challenges of collaborative practices. In particular, we welcome contributions that examine cross-border collaborations and local, regional and European partnerships in ever-expanding digital infrastructures.
  • Digital Storytelling for Cultural Heritage: This theme investigates how the different types of heritage information can be narrated and presented through digital formats in an engaging and meaningful way. Contributions that explore practices of digital placemaking, gamification and transmedia storytelling, as well as the impact of digital media on the public interaction with cultural heritage are encouraged.
  • Governance and Legal Frameworks for Digital Heritage: Where cultural heritage sites are being digitised, legal and governance questions arise. In particular, this involves questions of copyright protection of the original work, ownership of the generated digital work and access regimes to these digitised cultural content. Legal and governance norms differ between one country and another. Cross-boundary digitalisation projects therefore raise relevant questions as to how ownership and access should be regulated. We welcome contributions that shed light on the legal and governance solutions found for specific examples of digitising cultural heritage in various jurisdictions.
  • Participatory approaches and Social Inclusion in Digital Heritage: This theme investigates how online and on-site participatory and co-creation approaches can be further developed and applied in the context of digital heritage. In particular, contributions that focus on ways of enhancing social inclusion by involving citizens, residents and heritage visitors in the development of digital heritage are welcomed.

The conference will take place online. Please send an abstract (max. 350 words) with a short bio (100 words max) to Eslam Nofal ( Deadline: 1 July 2021

The Terra Mosana project is being executed within the context of Interreg V-A Euregion MeuseRhine, and is financed by the European Regional Development Fund, the Walloon Region, the Provinces of Limburg (NL and B) and the Land of North Rhine-Westphalia.